Country Thailand
Customer Hancharoen Enterprise Chiangrai Co.,Ltd.
Machinen RM 70GO! 2.0
Material Limestone, dolomite
Final aggregate 0 – 45 mm
Throughput 70 to/h
Application Street foundation

In the North of Thailand, a four-lane highway about 63 km long and reaching from the city of Chiang Rai to the border of Myanmar is currently under construction.

The road construction company Hancharoen Enterprise Chiangrai Co., Ltd., based in the northern Thai city of Chiang Rai, is in charge of the construction of this important traffic axis. For the construction project, an RM 70GO! 2.0 crushes limestone and dolomite with a throughput of around 70 tons per hour to a grain size of 0 to 45 mm. The compact, highly flexible machine moves with the construction progress from one small, local quarry to the next. This keeps distances short and the material transport efficient.

Anyone working with RM crushers knows how flexible they are for processing different materials and also for handling different construction site requirements. Their compactness and great mobility give RM customers a great advantage on inner-city construction sites but also enables customers to quickly change their job site due to easy and uncomplicated transportation. After arriving at the new quarry, RM crushers are ready to crush within only 10 minutes. This does not only save a lot of time but also money.

In addition, RM compact crushers are very intuitive and easy to use as well as to maintain. All RM GO! crushers follow the same principle. In just a few sentences the handling is explained and even unexperienced employees are able to run the machine efficiently. All machine components that need maintenance on a regular basis are ground based, which means that they can be reached and exchanged easily and safely from the ground.

In the Southeast-Asian Nation Thailand with its almost 70 million inhabitants, RM sales partner Watkinson Construction Equipment Co., Ltd. is an important provider for construction companies, supplying them with solutions for energy storage, material transportation, mining, quarrying and construction. The Watkinson team also offers high-quality consulting, great after sales service and maintenance.

Are you from Thailand and would you like to find out more about RM compact crushers and screens? Feel free to contact our local partner Watkinson and send an email to [email protected] or visit their website

Our crushers in action

RM 70GO! 2.0

Aus Bauschutt, Asphalt, Beton oder Naturstein zaubert der RM 70GO! 2.0 bis zu 150 t/h kubisches Wertkorn. Als mobiler Brecher ist er die ideale Anlage für Unternehmen, die Aufbereitung als profitables Geschäftsfeld für sich entdeckt haben. Einfach, kompakt und leistungsstark.


Brechen mit hohem Durchsatz und wenig Verschleiß, und dies an allen möglichen und unmöglichen Orten ist für RM Brecher keine Frage. Sie schaffen es direkt vor Ort aus Naturstein höchst qualitatives Wertkorn zu generieren. Je nach gewünschter Anlagenkombinationen. Das Endergebnis ist immer e

Contact us for more information

[email protected]

+43 732 73 71 17 – 0

Natural rock

Crushing at a high output and low wear, and that in every possible and impossible location, is not an issue for RM crushers. They manage to generate the highest quality value grain from natural stone on site. Depending on the desired combination of machinery. The end result is always cubic aggregate.

Abrasive rock

Quartz gravel, granite and riverbed gravel are not easy to process because high levels of quartz cause high wear. However, RM crushers are designed for such materials: thanks to their compact size they can achieve high throughputs even in tight spaces, producing valuable aggregate directly on site at all times.

Schrefler relies on RM hybrid crusher

Demolition work and mobile recycling have been part of Manfred Schrefler’s range of services since 2016; previously he was known primarily for transport and earthwork. In terms of machinery, the Upper Austrian relies on top quality and always has the very latest technology.

Basalt preparation

Crushed basalt is used for a variety of purposes. Most often, it is crushed to be used as an aggregate in construction projects.

Increase in orders with cuboid final aggregate

In Mexico the RM 100GO! replaces a jaw and cone crusher combination. Basalt with a diameter of up to 500 mm is crushed into different sizes of cuboid final aggregate, which is then reused for asphalt production. Final aggregate grades between 0-19 and 0 25 mm are processed to a high standard without any problems.

RM 70GO! 2.0 crushes hard river basalt

The first mobile RM crusher in Gorontalo, Indonesia, has been in operation since spring 2017. The new RM 70GO! 2.0 replaces several machines at once: instead of using the jaw crusher combined with a cone crusher, this mobile crusher unit processes extremely hard river basalt in a single pass.